Living the crazy life that God has given me!

church planting

Living Terricited!

terrifiedWhat if I told you that every day should be a little terrifying.  What if I told you that if you aren’t walking through your life of faith a little nervous then you aren’t living at all.  The problem with both of those statements is that they make us UNCOMFORTABLE.  Something that most people in the western community of faith don’t like to hear.  I mean we want to be comfortable in our chairs, we want to be comfortable with our coffee, we want to be comfortable in our groups, we just plain want to be comfortable.

Well when my family and I felt that God was leading us to start a church in Colorado we all came up with our own word, “Terricited”. Because every day we were terrified and we were excited at the same time.  We were terrified that we were to move back to Colorado a place where I grew up and not as a follower of Jesus. (Dealing with your Past) But excited to be able to share with those same people about how my life has been drastically changed because of Jesus.  We were terrified that we didn’t have a place to live and we were struggling to find a place.  But we were excited about getting a place that would be a home base for raising our kids as the graduated from high school.  We were terrified because I had never been the lead pastor of a church, but I was excited because I had never been the lead pastor of a church.  In the New Testament you can read:

Mark 10:32a (NLT) 32 They were now on the way up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them. The disciples were filled with awe, and the people following behind were overwhelmed with fear.

The people that were walking with Jesus the son of God in flesh, were in awe of what was going on were also overwhelmed with fear.  What does that mean? They were “terricited”!  So let me ask you this, where in your life are you terricited?  Where are you experiencing the awe of Jesus and the overwhelming fear where you need to see him show up?  Where are you terricited?  Because honestly I think that more and more of us need to be less comfortable and more terricited.  Let’s take some time this week to start getting a little TERRICITED.


What about Spanish speaking?

Advance The Line

At Elevation we have what we call the “Advance The Line” campaign.  It is our hope that we are going to reach 1,000 people in the city of Aurora in the next year.  So we have developed this campaign and prayed about what it would look like in our community.  One of the things that we realized about the city is that we are seeing more and more people that speak Spanish.  That there are families that have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation families that are from a Spanish speaking background in our community.

So we thought what would it look like for a church in Aurora to bring both english and spanish speaking people together.  What would it look like for a church to develop a process of having the different generations of spanish speaking people all in one church.  A church that is not the typical spanish speaking church with it’s traditionalism or even the charismatic side of things that are associated with a spanish speaking church.  Through all of this we are excited to let people know that we have added to our team a leader that we believe is going to help us create this new opportunity as a church in Aurora for all of these people.

Neill SnyderSo I would love for you to meet Neill Snyder he is the guy that we believe that God has brought to us so that we can be exactly the church for Aurora.  He and his wife are going to be helping us reach out to the spanish speaking people of Aurora.  So if you would like to meet Neill, talk with Neill, or give Neill a big hug you can email him at Over the next several months we are going to be working to forge a plan where we are going to engage people so they can experience life change in Jesus.  We are planning as of now to be launching spanish speaking experiences on Easter weekend in 2014.  If you are interested or if you are just curious please let us know or even take the time to come and check out Elevation as we prepare to “Advance the Line“.

Advance The Line

Advance The LineAt Elevation on October 6th we celebrated our Third Anniversary as a church in Aurora.  It was a great day where we talked about what has happened in the life and people of Elevation and what is going to come.  It is on that day we revealed the “Advance The Line” campaign.  We are preparing and planning to engage 1000 people in the next year.  It is a goal that is way above any thing that we could possibly do on our own and is only going to happen because God shows up.  Much like when Gideon went into battle, with only a kazoo and a flashlight. (My twist to the story.)

So what does “Advance The Line” mean.  When a battle is being fought there is always a line that is to be crossed.  That when men used to fight they would draw a line in the sand and then they would be asked to tow the line.  The line is a figurative way for us to remember that the kingdom of heaven is forcefully advancing. (Matthew 11:12)

Here is what the “Advance The Line” campaign looks like and then how you can help to be a part of this advancing line:

  • The development of storefront or warehouse property where Elevation can be seen as permanent in the community. Unfortunately there are too many church starts that are coming and going in Aurora and people are noticing, especially people that don’t go to church. (Why should I go to your church? You won’t be here in a year any way.)
  • We are going to plant a Spanish speaking campus right along with Elevation.  We are going to call it Elevation Espanol and it is going to work in conjunction with Elevation to engage people so they experience life change in Jesus.  There are currently 70,000 documented Spanish speaking people in Aurora and approximately another 50,000 undocumented Spanish speaking people.  They all need to hear about the radical grace of Jesus.
  • We want to reach students and their families in a new way.  So we are along with the help of another church in the state going to start a driving school.  If you want to reach people that no one else is reaching you need to do things that no one else is doing. (Don’t know who said that.)
  • It is our hope to have an inflatables business where we are involved in the parties and events of the community.  We have already been blessed by a church that is given us four inflatables.  We hope to call this business “E-flatables” and use this business to spend time and develop relationships with people all around the city.
  • Then finally have in the campaign to begin the process of having a fitness gym.  Our hope is to call it “Elevation Fitness”.  We want to let people know that we care about them physically, mentally, and spiritually.  All with the hope of building a bridge through a relationship with people so they can experience life change in Jesus.

This is the “Advance The Line” campaign and it is an audacious and huge plan to engage people so they experience life change in Jesus.  It is our hope that not only will we be able to reach people but that we will see God move through this in such a way that we can help other church planters and plants see the possibilities of reaching people this way.  But we are  raising support to get all this going.  So if you are reading this and this is something that you are interested in supporting financially then here is how you can do that.  You can click on the link ADVANCE and it will enable you to give online to the “Advance The Line” campaign.  If you would like more information on this courageous endeavor then please feel free to email me here I would love to share with you more.

What are some things that you are praying about doing that is going to “Advance The Line” where you are living?

Sunday Night Thoughts


It has been an amazing last three years since we first started Elevation here in Aurora.  As Michelle and I spent Saturday together we talked about many of the things that have happened in the last three years at Elevation.  We talked about the things that brought smiles to our faces and we talked about the things that hurt our hearts.  We still hang to the word that we created as a family when we left Northern California to move to Aurora, CO to start Elevation, it is “terriciting”.

You see when you are starting a church or when you are actively stepping out in faith as you follow Jesus it is two things:

  • It is  terrifying.  It is a scary thing to step out in faith, it is a scary thing to walk with in the unknown, it is a scary thing to no know what is going to happen next, and it is a scary thing to not have total control over what you are doing.
  • It is exciting. I mean it is exciting to see how God shows up when you didn’t know how.  It is is exciting to walk where you have never walked before. (Like a good trip in a new country.) It is exciting to not know what you are going to experience next. We have seen some amazing things happen in people’s lives.  It is exciting to not to have any control of what will happen. (Just like a roller coaster.)

So to all of those that are preparing to start a church, or to step out and try something new when it comes to your spiritual development, I encourage you to go for it.  I want to encourage you to know that it is the most “terriciting” thing that you can ever do and it is well worth it.  I hope that today as you read this you are hearing that still small voice of God telling you to do something that you know is just crazy.  Because you when you hear that voice and you step out you are about to embark on the most “terriciting” thing possible.  Have a great day, week, month, and year being “terricited”!

By the way I am so “terricited” for the next year that I just can’t contain myself, what about you?

Quit listening to other voices! (part 5 finally)

quit listening

The time that I was able to spend at the Preaching and Teaching conference was great. I was so glad that I was able to spend some time with a great friend named Arron Chambers.  He is the lead pastor at The Journey Church in Greeley, CO and is also the author of one of my favorite books called “Eats with Sinners“.  Arron has a great passion and great ability to communicate to people the importance of spending time with people who are far from Jesus.  I get excited every time I hear him give his talk about it.  In fact the main reason that I get excited about it is because he is always saying that we need to listen to the voice of Jesus talk about meeting and caring for people who are far from a relationship with Jesus.

That is the last thing that I shared with the college students that were a part of the talk that I gave at Ozark Christian College.  If we as church leaders and church planters are to “Quit to continue and continue to Quit” then are last thing is to “quit listening to other voices then the voice of Jesus.”

There are so many people who are going to be telling you as a church planter and church leader what is important for you to be doing.  That there is the need for a woman’s ministry, that there is a need for a men’s ministry, and that there is a need for the under water basket weaving for Jesus ministry. (Not real, but if you have this ministry stop. People might drowned.)

We need to as leaders and church planters to focus on what God is telling us.  Here again is a place where I believe that Saul can give us some insight in what not to do in 1 Samuel 15:24:

24 Then Saul admitted to Samuel, “Yes, I have sinned. I have disobeyed your instructions and the Lord’s command, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded. ” (My emphasis)

Saul as a leader was more worried about what the people wanted that what God had commanded.  There are certain times that as a follower of Jesus, leader in a church, or church planter that we just need to quit listening to everyone else and focus on what Jesus is calling us too.

For me that means that we need to make sure that we are seeking to reach people who are far away from Jesus. At Elevation we put it this way; “Engage jacked up people so that they can become followers of Jesus.”  This is something that we are always going to do in our church.  Why?  Because that is what God has called us to do as church in Aurora, CO and that is not up for debate.  Not because I want to be a jerk but because at the end of my life I want to be able to stand before Jesus and know that I listened to his voice and his voice alone.  “Quit to continue and continue to quit.”  Let’s be quitters and not get caught quitting.

What is a voice that you need to stop listening too?

Quit going it alone! (part 4)

We need more of these in church planting.

We need more of these in church planting.

As was sitting in the room at the Preaching and Teaching Conference at Ozark Christian College preparing to talk to students about church planting. The talk that I was about to give was called “Church Planting is for Quitters“.  I thought about the weeks and months that lead up to the start of Elevation. I was fortunate to be able to go through all of the faces of people who were and are a part of the team that makes up Elevation. (Faces because I am horrible with names, hit in the head too much.)

When we were preparing to start Elevation in Aurora, CO. I had prayed and fasted that God would bring together a team of people who would see the opportunity to be a part of the vision and mission of church that would, “Engage jacked up people so that they could become followers of Jesus.” It is one of the areas that I carry the most concern for when it comes to church planters.  That they are willing to get a group of people to be the team that starts a church in an area.  Especially people who are living in that area.  That have an invested connection to the place where the church is going to start.  We were fortunate to have people be a part of the church planting team, but we were more blessed when we started to see people in the community that saw the vision and mission of church as a need for their community.

I have always heard the business statement, “Get the right people on the bus.” I truly believe that is a great statement. But I believe it is way more important to “Get people on the bus.” Especially as a church planter to get people on the bus from the community that you are starting a church in. I love the verse in 1 Samuel 14:8 where Jonathan and his armor bearer are about to get in the battle:

“All right then,” Jonathan told him. “We will cross over and let them see us

Even though Jonathan was the son of the king and was the one that was leading this charge into enemy territory.  He included his armor bearer in that amazing statement.  When it comes to church planting and church planters we need to really see the need to quit going alone.  We need to continually look at how we can bring others along with us into the battle.

Who are you bringing along with you into the battle?

Quit waiting to move! (part 3)


I don’t know how many times that as a pastor or a pastor to students that I have heard people make this statement:

“God is calling me too, (fill in the blank) and I was hoping that you would pray with me about it.”

Most of the time my answer to them is “NO, I won’t pray with you about it.” Which really usually brings faces of shock and the question of “WHY?” Here is my response to that. “Because if God has called you to do it, then DO IT! Don’t pray about if you should do it. DO IT!”  Again when it comes to the area of “Church Planters being Quitters” I believe that is where church planters have seen that God has called them to do something so they have quit waiting to move. I love the verse where Jonathan and his armor bearer have taken a step of faith and are now about to step into the battle. As I read 1 Samuel 14:6 I was able to see the area of church planting and the need to move:

“Let’s go across to the outpost of those pagans,” Jonathan said to his armor bearer. “Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!”  (Emphasis mine)

The more and more that I read through the bible and the more and more I talk with church planters and church leaders I believe that God has called us to live in the “Perhaps“.  We are as followers of Jesus first and foremost to rely on God and see the obstacles more as opportunities to see Him show up and do something amazing.

When we were preparing to launch Elevation Christian Church in Aurora, CO.  I kept putting off the date that we were going to launch. I was worried about money, I was worried about people, I was worried about the place, and I was worried if I was ready.  It wasn’t until I had the opportunity to have dinner with Pastor Perry Noble. (Twitter is awesome when you are able to find out people are in your area and you beg for dinner.)  We were sitting there eating and he began to ask questions about what we were doing then he asked when we were going to launch. The question that I had been dealing with.  When I gave him my answer of not being sure he made a statement that rocked me. “If God has called you to do this then do it, if it is God’s will then he will flip the bill.”  It was exactly what I needed to hear at that time.  To me it was the Jonathan moment where I need to hear that we need to live in the “Perhaps” of following God.

Where are you hearing God call you to move? Is it a life style move, is it a vocational move, or is it a spiritual move?

Quit focusing on the numbers in the church. (part two)

Focus on the people ouside the church not inside the church.

As I was preparing to speak at the Preaching and Teaching conference and talk about “Church Planting is for Quitters” as was reading through 1st and 2nd Samuel.  It was there that I was getting some amazing inspiration for being a church planter and leader from the lives of Saul, Jonathan, and David.  So here is why I see that church planters are quitters and not quitting. (To know what I am talking about go read “Church Planting is for Quitters“.)

Church Planting means that you “Quit focusing on the numbers in the church & focus on the numbers outside the church.”  In the story of Saul in 1 Samuel I read 13:8 and this came to life for me as a church planter:

Saul waited there seven days for Samuel, as Samuel had instructed him earlier, but Samuel still didn’t come. Saul realized that his troops were rapidly slipping away. (my emphasis)

Saul was so focused on his own troops that he was not able to see the great opportunity that was before him for God to do something amazing.  That is why I believe that church planters quit focusing on the number in the church and focus on the number of people outside of the church.  Phil Claycomb from Nexus shared this formula for what we are to focus on when it comes to the numbers that are important. (By the way I really suck at MATH.)

a – (b x 2c) = d

a = Population of an area, b = number of churches in the area, c = avg. church size (national average has been said to be 76),

d = number of people who are not in the church.

So church planters quit focusing on the number in the church and more on the outside of the church.  Here is the statement that I have been hanging on, “Quit to continue and continue to quit.” If we are going to be the church that God has called us to be that is reaching our communities with the radical grace of Jesus we need to quit.

How are you learning to quit focusing on the number of people in the church and focusing those on the outside of the church?

Church Planting is for Quitters

We need more quitters, less quitting.

We need more quitters, less quitting.

I had the amazing opportunity to spend the beginning of this week at Ozark Christian College for the Preaching and Teaching Conference.  I enjoyed being able to talk to mostly college students about church planting and why it is for QUITTERS.  Here are the areas that I think church planters are quitters and it is my hope that people who are going to church plant or are thinking about church planting will be a quitter too.

You see the more I look at our communities the church is quitting.  There is a difference between being a quitter and quitting.  Quitting means that you totally quit all together when it comes to life and all that God has called you to do in your community.  That is why the statistics about churches and church planting are so frustrating.  Like the following:

  • There is not one county in the US were Christianity is increasing.
  • 50% of evangelical churches didn’t have one person say Yes to Jesus in the last year.
  • 14% of churches are growing at all.
  • 2% of churches nationally are growing by conversion growth.
  • More churches close each year than bars. (Just learned that from the Bar Makeover Show)

This is what I see as quitting.

But church planters are quitters and here are some of the ares that church planters are QUITTERS:

  • Quit focusing on the numbers in the church, focus on the numbers that are outside the church.
  • Quit waiting to move, when God calls MOVE.
  • Quit going it alone, take people with you.
  • Quit listening to other voices other than God.

I am so excited about the church planters that are about to take off and do what God has called them to do.  The way that I see it we need to “Quit to continue and continue to Quit.”  If we don’t continue to be quitters then eventually we will just be quitting.

Today how are you going to quit?

Know just don’t DEMO your community

One of the things that every church planter is told is to know the demographics of their community. I think that is great it gives you an idea of the people that are there if you don’t live in the community. But the problem with that is some people just stop there and that is as far as they get about knowing the community. Like over the last couple of months I have had church planter after church planter let me know that they are going to be planting in certain area of Denver.  They look at the demographics and they see money, they see certain people, and they see demographics.  But what they don’t see is that this is an area where every school has a church plant already in it.  But that is not in the demographics.

We need to know our communities not just DEMO the communities. Unfortunately that is what we are seeing in Colorado as church plant after church plant comes in plants a church. Then disappears after two years and the money runs out. Even the unchurched people in our communities are taking notice of the churches that come and go. I heard two weeks ago from someone in the community, “Why would I get involved in a church start here. They come and go.”

So as I talked with another leader about church planting in Colorado the comment was made that church planters need to come in and get a job. That for the very first six months a church planter they should have a job while they are  preparing their prospectus for the church that will be in the community. That the church planter needs to know the community not just read demographics.  Maybe if that were to happen we would have more church plants asking about places where it is not cool to start a church. Maybe if that were to happen the church plants that start through out America would be reaching the people that need to be reached with the radical grace of Jesus Christ.

What are some other ways that we can know our community other then just demographics?

Don’t Break the MAC!

As a church planter that is all about portable I wanted to share something special with you.  If you are church planter, worship leader in a portable church, or someone that just wants to be able to care for their Mac.  This is the bag for you. Our Worship Pastor at Elevation Christian Church Greg Barbour did the work to find this for you.  I mean let’s be honest when you purchase a Mac you make an investment and you want to care for that investment.

Well we have one for our Worship Presentation and for video editing that we do on Sunday.  But we were just using the box that came with the computer. (Really smart right?) After a conversation about caring for what we have and making sure it we honor God.  The following website is what we found.  This is company in France has created an awesome bag that will enable you to care for your Mac while you are on the move.  If you are a church on the move then here is a great place to go and care for your equipment.  Make sure that you let them know that Elevation told you about them.

Let us know if there are other items that you know about that makes being portable easier?

The Battle is ON!

One of the things that we have learned over the last two years of being a part of a church plant is the battle that comes after we see God show up and do something amazing. This last weekend at Elevation we were priviledged to share the gospel message then see the Holy Spirit move in the lives of 10 people.  We  have already heard from some of the people that responded to the gospel and there has been freedom in their lives when it comes to addiction, brokeness, and loss.  I love being able to be a part of a church where people see it is a place for the “jacked up” and that they can encounter the radical grace of Jesus Christ.   But then we also were able to celebrate with five men as they were baptized.  Five men that are going to be leaders in their homes, five men that are going to be fighters for the gospel, and five men that are chasing after Jesus.  We can claim that at Elevation we are living out Matthew 11:21 where we see the Kingdom of Heaven is advancing.

But then comes the Monday and Tuesday after an amazing weekend.  These are the days  that we have learned that there is an enemy that does not want us to be able to celebrate what is going on in Elevation. So we have things that happen that will discourage and divide the team.  People get upset about things, people don’t like how things were done, or people well they are just people.  But we know it is just the enemy that is trying to get us to lose focus.  Maybe to even get us to hate or be bitter or even give up.  These are the verses that came to me this afternoon while I was praying:

12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.                                                                           Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)

The fight is never with a person or even with the problem.  The fight is with the enemy and you can choose to either allow the enemy to take you down or you can by the power of Jesus Christ put a double leg take down on the whole situation.  The way that you do this is by getting down in the bottom position (if you wrestled you know what I mean).  From this position you just pray. Anytime that you get on your knees and pray is the best way to fight.  Then you you use the stand-up (basic wrestling escape) and stand on the power of the bible.  That is the only way that you are going to be able to make it through the battle. If you are going through what you feel is a battle then please let me know how can I be praying for you. Fight the good fight!

Church Planting means Work

Over the last couple of years I have had the great opportunity to meet and talk with church planters from all over the United States. From being at Exponential in Orlando, Florida to the church planters boot camp that I was a part of at Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho.  I have heard of many different vision statements and mission statements as well as processes to discipleship to marketing for events. I have heard church planters address the need for authentic worship and the need for fund raising. I have heard church planters talk about their ideas of being missional and of being leaders.  But there is one thing that I have not heard people really talk about.  That church planting means work.

It means that there are going to be days that you are meeting people way into the evening while your family is at home.  It means that there are going to be days that you are painting and building different things for the needs of the church to get going. It means that you will be the one that is carrying the burden for finances and for the health of the people on your team. It means that you are going to actually going to have to get your hands dirty and maybe even get a couple of blisters.  But it is work, hard work, sometimes back breaking work.  But it is so worth it!

Proverbs 21:5 (NLT) 5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.

Tyler and I getting ready for church.

Monday Morning Mind Dump

Every Monday brings a new set of celebrations and challenges.  We are able to celebrate all that we saw Jesus do through the ministry of Elevation Christian Church. Then walk through the challenges of being a leader of a church start and especially one that is calling the Devil on his junk.  As we walk through our series “Five Lies of the Devil”. So I want to share with you some of the things that we have to celebrate from this Sunday:

  • We had four people say yes to Jesus in our two gatherings. I can never stop getting excited about that.
  • We had two families share with us how much there kids love coming to church. My sister shared with me that her son put going to church on his favorite thing to do list for the last year. LOVE IT!
  • We had new people added to our music teams and they are doing an amazing job.
  • One individual said that this is the first time that He has felt accepted at a church.
  • We had 175 people come to our two gatherings. That is our largest attendance since our launch weekend.

So with all that what would be the challenges?  The challenge comes from the enemy in the area of doubt.  The challenge also comes in the form of trying to make sure that everything is done RIGHT NOW.  The challenge comes from the comments that are not positive.  The challenge comes from just feeling tired and dealing with the monday morning holy hangover.  But I am excited to say that I am currently reading through Joshua and my life verse is staring me in the face.

Joshua 1:9 (NLT) “This is my command-be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

I pray that each and every one of the church leaders today is able to remember that we are commanded to be courageous and to remember that we don’t go alone.

Christmas Eve Anniversary

Today is a new anniversary for our family.  It has been one year today that we moved back to Colorado to be a part of Elevation Christian Church in Aurora, Colorado.  We drove into Aurora around 9:30 at night to a some-what empty rental home.  My kids were blessed with snow shovels in the garage from the family members that wanted to remind them of what kind of weather Colorado had. A small Christmas tree was in the room ok, on the counter and there were very special gifts left for us.  It was a great time of celebration opening gifts while we all sat on the barren floor.  It was also an amazing time of anticipation.  Where we as a family were excited to see what Jesus had in store for us when it came to life and the start of Elevation.

It has been an amazing year with school work, sports, jobs, and Jesus reaching people with the gospel.  There is no doubt that we can not wait to see what happens in this next year. Graduations, more school, more sports, and many more people saying yes to Jesus.

I personally want to thank everyone that has prayed, that has donated, that has moved, and has joined us on this journey to reach people with the love of Jesus Christ.  There is no way that we could be where we are today without all of you.

Life Change at Elevation

Here is a great video that shows just a little of what is happening at Elevation Christian Church.  If you are not involved you need to be, if you are not supporting Elevation financially you should be, if you are not attending Elevation you better get there.  Jesus is on the move and we are having a BALL!

For more information go to or email us at



Step Out in Faith

It is almost a year now since my family and I left Northern California and moved back to Colorado to start Elevation Christian Church.  There are tons of things that I wish I would have known before we started this adventure and there are tons of things that I am still learning every week.  But the things that we have learned over the last year we would have never experienced if we would have never stepped out on faith.

We left last year in the middle of my daughters junior year, my sons sophomore year, and our youngest’s seventh grade year.  Not the best time to move kids.  But I have been able to watch God grow these kids in ways that I would have never imagined.  It would have never happened if we had not stepped out in faith.

My wife has had to deal with conversations like, “I am not sure that we are going to be able to pay that this month.”  Or, “The money is going to be there I just believe it.”  All moms and wives know the pressure you feel to make sure your kids are taken care of and the bills are paid.  I know that for her this has been an amazing growing opportunity to see God show up and provide.  We would have never experienced this had we not stepped out on faith.

I have taken jobs and tried things that I never would have probably taken in the past.  I have had the privilege to have conversations with guys and gals that I knew a long time ago about who Jesus is and what He has done and is doing in my life.  I have had to learn how to lead in areas that I thought I was already prepared to lead, which I am not.  I have learned that all of the Lead Pastors that I have served under were amazing men and that I was prepared by each one of them to do what I am doing today. But I would have never experienced this if I had not stepped out in faith.

I think this goes very well with this time of the year.  There was a young girl that stepped out in faith a couple thousand years  ago when an angel appeared to her and let her know that she was going to have a very special baby.  This is how she responded, ” Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant , and I am willing to accept whatever He wants.” Luke 1:39a What a way to respond to God when He called her to step out in faith.

The question that I have for you is, “What is Jesus calling you to do so that you step out in faith?”  You will never be able to experience the amazing things that He has for you until you do. STEP OUT IN FAITH!

Awesome Blog by Joseph Barkley

I have had the awesome opportunity to hang out with Joseph and his family.  I am so blessed to be able to see how God is using him and the church that he pastors in Hollywood.  But you really have to read his latest blog to see what is going on his churches world.  But most of all I pray that each of us would gain this awesome perspective of what the church should be in our communities.  Thanks Joseph for writing your blog in the coffee shop.



Thoughts about Sunday . . .

Well, we had another great Sunday at Elevation.  It was so great watching people show up in their different costumes.  Our whole music team dressed as a 70’s band the leaders in the Children’s ministry dressed as well.  Then during the service we had all of the children parade through the service and cheered them on we had a mom share that her son said this is the most fun he has had.  What a great thing to hear from a family that doesn’t normally go to church.

  • We had someone share about their previous struggles and wants to now share how Christ changed their life.
  • We were encouraged by several family members that said that the series we did for men was great and they are seeing a difference in the men.
  • We as a team are seeing more people get involved and get signed up for Community groups.
  • I was encouraged by the men that had breakfast together at Village Inn.  It was awesome.
  • We saw 15 people say Yes to Jesus over the last month.  It is so awesome to hear people say that they can’t wait to invite their friends to our next series called “No Perfect People Allowed”.

It is awesome that every step of the way we are able to see families enjoy the time that they spend together at Elevation.  It was also awesome to have a great friend Dan Bethel with us, love how God uses such special people to encourage us along the way. (Sorry Joy you didn’t feel good)  The anticipation that we have as a team for the next couple of months is so incredible, in fact after every Sunday I can’t wait to see what happens on the next.  Jesus is changing lives and being lifted up in Aurora, Colorado.  The people at Elevation are incredible and I feel blessed to be the pastor of this team.

Thoughts about Sunday. . .

I am so excited to say that we have had an awesome last couple of weeks meeting on Sunday mornings.  Over the last 7 months we had been meeting on Monday nights once a month and then eventually twice a month.  So to take the step of meeting weekly has been an awesome undertaking as well as amazing opportunity to see God at work.  Here are some things that I experienced today:

  • We have an amazing team of people that are taking the mission of “Developing relational environments where people can become followers of Jesus” to a Sunday morning.
  • Lives are being impacted by the Gospel.  We are seeing people come face to face with Jesus in amazing ways.
  • The “Sex, Money, Power: A Man Series” GRUNT.  Is being used to enable men to see specific areas of life through the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit.  We have been told of miracles in marriages being restored, Fathers seeing the need to lead spiritually in their homes, and hearts being softened to take deep steps in following Jesus.
  • That taking care of the custodians in the school we meet at is not an add on but a ministry that is breaking down barriers to the Gospel.

As we finish this series this Sunday on Halloween I am excited to all our families dress up for church and have fun as a team.  It will be a great lead into Novembers series “NO PERFECT PEOPLE ALLOWED” I am so pumped to see what happens next.

Being Prepared for Something Big

As we have prepared and prayed the verse that my family and I had all over our house in California has kept me going.

Habakkuk 1:5 (NLT) “The Lord replied, “Look at the nations and be amazed! Watch and be astounded at what I will do! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.”

We believe that we are going to see God do something and amazing through Elevation.  Why do we think that? What would cause us to think this for Elevation?  We believe this because over the last 8 months we have seen Him do amazing things time and time again.  So we are living with the expectancy of what we already have seen.  So this weekend we expect to see something amazing as we launch out and start the weekly services of Elevation Christian Church.  Come be a part of something amazing, come be a part of something that only God can do.  Go to and get the directions to Dalton Elementary so that you can be at one of the two services we are going to offer.

Monday Mind Dump

It is so exciting to be able to be writing about our preview service this last weekend.  We are in the last week of preparation for the launch of Elevation Christian Church.  This was the first time that we were in the school and setting things up and it was just incredible to see the team that we have work together and put everything together.

Here are some things that I saw that was incredible:

  • We had a student walk up to the school from her house at 7:00AM to help set-up.
  • We were able to see people get in and serve all over the place, when one area was complete they moved to help the others.
  • Our children’s team had things so ready that families were able to go and hang out before the service started.
  • The first impressions team made a place for people to hang out and the people that were there had a place to relax and get to know each other. Relationships happening.
  • The music ministry hustled into place and presented worship in an amazing way.
  • We had a man say yes to Jesus.  It is awesome to the gospel move in a person’s life.

I am so excited to see what happens next week with our launch service and being able to reach a whole new group of people.  I am so blessed to see God bring his team together and do the work that he has called us too.

We pray this for Elevation!

It is our prayer that we are able to reach and teach men to be followers of Jesus.  To be leaders in their homes.  Then changing their communities.  We are not going to be just a church we are going to be a movement!

Dalton Elementary Teacher’s Lounge Makeover

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are to many words to count, we were so blessed to be able to honor the teachers of Dalton Elementary.

Thank you to all the where a part of this, Team Elevation, Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy, and the Principal of Dalton.