Living the crazy life that God has given me!

Posts tagged “2014

What about Spanish speaking?

Advance The Line

At Elevation we have what we call the “Advance The Line” campaign.  It is our hope that we are going to reach 1,000 people in the city of Aurora in the next year.  So we have developed this campaign and prayed about what it would look like in our community.  One of the things that we realized about the city is that we are seeing more and more people that speak Spanish.  That there are families that have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation families that are from a Spanish speaking background in our community.

So we thought what would it look like for a church in Aurora to bring both english and spanish speaking people together.  What would it look like for a church to develop a process of having the different generations of spanish speaking people all in one church.  A church that is not the typical spanish speaking church with it’s traditionalism or even the charismatic side of things that are associated with a spanish speaking church.  Through all of this we are excited to let people know that we have added to our team a leader that we believe is going to help us create this new opportunity as a church in Aurora for all of these people.

Neill SnyderSo I would love for you to meet Neill Snyder he is the guy that we believe that God has brought to us so that we can be exactly the church for Aurora.  He and his wife are going to be helping us reach out to the spanish speaking people of Aurora.  So if you would like to meet Neill, talk with Neill, or give Neill a big hug you can email him at Over the next several months we are going to be working to forge a plan where we are going to engage people so they can experience life change in Jesus.  We are planning as of now to be launching spanish speaking experiences on Easter weekend in 2014.  If you are interested or if you are just curious please let us know or even take the time to come and check out Elevation as we prepare to “Advance the Line“.