Living the crazy life that God has given me!


Last Words


If you were to die today, what would be the last thing you would say?
Would it be an encouraging word to a child at play?
Words of thankfulness to family members for the love they gave?

Words of doubt at a lifetime of decisions you made?

If you were to die today, what would be the last thing you would say?
Would it be a shout of joy for the accomplishments of each day?
Words of anger for the days you had been wronged in some way?
Or would it be nothing as you simply pass away?

If you were to die today, what would be the last thing you would say?
Here is the simple word that I hope to say on my merry way.
Thank you . . .

Thank you for the opportunity to see the child at play
Thank you for the family members and the love they gave
Thank you for a lifetime of decision that was had to be made
Thank you for the accomplishments that happened in a day
Thank you for the feeling of being wronged because it showed my heart was feeling that day
Thank you for the way that I am able to go beyond this mortal plain

Thank you for a Savior that enables me to live again

If you were to die today, what would be the last thing you would say?

Decide to be Disciplined (Part Two)

disciplineAt the beginning of this year I made the decision to be disciplined when it comes to the important areas of my life.  I made the decision to be disciplined when it comes to my health, my life with Jesus, my wife, my leadership and my writing. (at least this writing) I had come to the realization that over the last couple of years that I had allowed stress, laziness, and other people’s priorities to take over how I was living life.  It is amazing how easy this can happen, especially when you have not decided to be disciplined with your life.

So when it comes to the area of my life with Jesus I have decided to make journaling, prayer, and reading disciplined. The goal that I have set is to make sure that I do this at least 5 times a week. My health and my ability to grow in my relationship with Jesus have been connected for me when it comes to being disciplined.  Once I have completed my workout in the morning I immediately get out my journal and my bible with a cup of coffee (we call it Christian Crack) then take a seat at the dinner table at my house.  Sometime it is alone, but most of the time it is with people walking around me.  So I will either put in my ear buds or just gently remind people at what I am trying to do.  Maybe for you having your time with Jesus needs to be ultimate quiet I get that, but the more that you can show and share what you are doing is a good thing. (set the pace for the family)

What I then do is write about the previous day and how I was able to see God at work in me and around me.  After that I write out my prayers. I know that for some people that this would be really strange, but for me it keeps me focused (I also like to go back and read them to see how God is at work).  I make it at least two pages in my journal, why I don’t know I just liked it.  Then I take the next page and write out things that jump out at me while I am reading the bible.  Many of those things I read that day I then write out so that I can read them over and over through out the day.  This is the way that I do it, it is a way not the way.  Maybe for you reading off your phone is good for you.  Maybe for you journalling online is good for you.  Maybe for you praying away for minutes maybe hours is good for you.  No matter what way you do it you need to make the decision to be disciplined.

What are the ways that you can make your life with Jesus lived out?  What are the ways that you are making this time with Jesus a discipline?

The Power of Habit

One of the things that I am really focusing on this year is reading over 30 books so that I can continue to grow as a leader, a husband, a father, and as a follower of Jesus.  One of those books that I have been able to read this year is “The Power of Habit: Why we do what we do in life and in business.”   The main theme throughout of this book is seeing how you can learn to develop new habits in your life and business by knowing the cue that leads to a routine that leads you to a reward.  This is called the “The Habit Loop” and the reason that we develop the habit loop is that our brains are always trying to find ways that will save time and energy.  Here is a quote from the book, “Habits, scientists say emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often.” 

So for me, I have taken to getting up early and working out first thing in the morning.  This is definitely something that I have to use the habit loop for because I HATE mornings, I have always been the late night person.  I also am making sure that working out is a focus so that I can stay healthy for my wife and my family.  What are some areas that you could use the habit loop to grow in your life this year?

Power of Habit

Learning what makes and motivates us to develop habits in our lives.

The Fall of Leadership

Men in TroubleOver the last couple of months I have been aware of several leaders in different church communities in our area that have had falls in their leadership.  They each bring with them a different type of leadership pain that comes to both the leaders family and the leaders church family because of the leadership fall.  But because of the many situations that I have become aware of in the last couple of months it has caused me to really think about the area of leadership and what leads to a fall.  Here are some of the questions that I have been asking myself:

  • Who did the leader have that really had the ability to know what is going on in their life?
  • Who was asking the leader the tough questions and then following up to make sure that there were no BS answers?
  • Who was making sure that the leader was living out a healthy work and family relationship during the week?
  • Who really knew the leader?

One of the things that I have been really challenged to do is make sure that I have these type of people in my life.  I also am praying that other leaders will look beyond the people of their own communities to build relationships with leaders that understand what they are going through in their area of business. What are some questions that you can think of that we can ask when it comes to the leaders in our churches?

Lyft and their Methods

lyft_emblemOver the last couple of weeks I have had the opportunity to see and hear how LYFT registers and adds drivers to their business.  As a person that likes to see see how businesses function and get people working on their team it has been a lot of fun.  Here are some things that I have seen about what they do:

  1. They help their people get ready.  One of the things that I have noticed is that when drivers show up their is one person constantly talking to them about their opportunity to make money with LYFT.  This person is always making sure the people standing in line are getting powerful information about how LYFT functions and how they can make things better for them.
  2. They have a clear process to make sure the vehicle is safe.  When someone decides to drive for LYFT their vehicle has to be in good shape.  They will not allow a vehicle to be on the road for them if it is not approved for safety.  I have personally seen people get turned away time and time again because they have not done what the LYFT company has asked them to do on their vehicle. (Funny to watch people try to lie their way in, ok sad really.)
  3. They want to the person to feel they are in a special community. Time and time and time again, I have heard them say you are now a part of LYFT and we are a team.  They then talk about the mustache because they are all wearing their shirts as they work with people.  They bring with them pink mustached table clothes and then they have pink mustached envelopes.  The brand and celebrate the people on the team and then the team itself.
  4. LFYT has people that represent the world working for them.  It is really fun to be able to sit down and watch all the different types of people that are signing up to be a LYFT driver.  There is young and old, black and white, people with degrees people without degrees, dressed well, well at least kind of dressed.  The way that they have brought together people to be on the team has been amazing.

Here is one thing that has challenged me as I have watched LYFT get people on their team.  Why is it that they can do what the church should be doing? I know that there will be some people that are saying its because they are getting paid.  Probably.  But some of them never make a dollar but they are excited to have the pink mustache on their car.  Take the time this week to think about what you can do to make sure that people at your church have a LYFT kind of experience.

We have a partnership with LYFT so if you want to become a new rider with LYFT then just take this code:1010ELEVATE and place it in the LYFT APP and you can help out the mission and vision of Elevation.

If you are interested in becoming a LYFT driver not matter where you live use this code: W271294 and you will be a partner with LYFT and Elevation Church in Aurora, CO.  You never know what might happen if you get on the team with LYFT.

What about tattoos?


This last week it came to my attention about a bill board in Texas that had a picture of Jesus with tattoo’s on it.  The whole thing had become something of a conversation starter, even so much that it was talked about on a local radio station.  A radio station that my brother works at here in Denver.  So I was asked to give my opinion about what I thought about the billboard and the website that went with it.  The website is if you want to check it out.

So I got on and shared that I loved the work that this group of people were doing in Texas and that the whole thing should be seen as great way of reaching people with the radical grace of Jesus.  But then the radio host, a man that I am really enjoying to get to know mentioned that I had tattoo’s and that I should share about the verse that I have tattooed on my right arm.  You see the radio host had tattoos also.  So I went on to share the verse and to share why I thought it was important to have this verse tattooed on my arm.  It was awesome to be able to share this with the people that were listening and to continue to talk about Jesus with the radio host.

But then later that day I get an email that proceeds to question me about who I thought I was to promote tattoos. That as a Christian did I really think that it was Holy to have tattoos?  To me this was the prime example of what was happening with the billboards in Texas. The people that are supposed to be followers of Jesus are more worried with tattoos then they are the people that have them and their relationship with Jesus or if they even have a relationship with Jesus.

I pray that my tattoos continue to make followers of Jesus uncomfortable and that they continue to create conversations with people that don’t follow Jesus.  For me the issue is not the tattoo but Jesus and do you have a relationship with Him.

Please take the time to watch this video and then tell me what you think. Go to the website up above.

“I Want a New Marriage” Reading List

I know that we are halfway through the month but I knew that there are some of you out there that are using this as an opportunity to go even deeper personally.  We always want to give people the tools to be able to grow on their own in their relationship with Christ.

15th – 1 John 4:19 (Why we love)

16th – Romans 5: 3- 5 (Dealing with Hurt)

17th – Psalm 145: 16

18th – 1 John 4:7

19th – John 13:34 (What we do)

20th – Psalm 133:1

21st – 1 Corinthians 13:8

22nd – Ephesians 5:15 – 16

23rd – 1 Peter 4:8

24th – Proverbs 16:6

25th – Ephesians 4:2

26th – Song of Songs 2:4

27th – James 1:19

28th – Hebrews 13:6 (You are not alone)

Take your time and read through these they apply if you plan to be married, are married, or want to be married again some day.

signs for 10-10-10 launch

these are awesome

Here are the Elevationcc Bandit signs you know you want ones

come to the Bloyer house to get yours

pool at the barbecue

yep this is good

Thank you Super Summer!

After spending a week at Super Summer Montana, all I can say is WOW! We were so blessed by all of the churches that were there. The staff of the camp and the students that attended.

It was most of all awesome to see 46 students cross the line of faith for the first time. What an incredible week to watch the great “I AM” show up and do His thing.

Thank you for the time we were able to spend as a family and the encouragement that we took with us for the start of Elevation Christian Church.

Thank you,
The Bloyer Family

Leading The Hard Way

Morgan running up to me after finishing the race.

One of the things that I have always had to work at overcoming is that “I can’t finish”.  I don’t know about you but there are those certain places in my life that have challenged me to the point where I just feel weak and beat up.  I have had the privilege in my life to be involved in sports since I was six years old and I have experienced many times where I just wanted to quit.  It was almost four years ago that I was able to run in the PF Chang’s Half Marathon.  During that race at about mile eleven I just did not want to go on, my legs hurt, my chest hurt, my feet hurt, and all I wanted to do was stop.  But I knew that at the finish line was my family and friends, I knew that at the end of the line I was going to be able to rest.

Hebrews 12:12-13 (NLT) So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. [13] Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong.

God our Father is not only one that disciplines but He also is a coach that pushes us to our limits.  Notice how we are to take a new grip with our tired hands and to stand firm on our shaky legs.  We are going to be in places in our life where we are going to just feel like we can’t go on and that we are just to tired to make it.  But God is telling us that we are not going to accomplish this life on our our strength in fact it says that in our weakness that HE is strong.  The only way that we are going to make it is to rely on the coach to enable to follow the right path.  The other side of this is that those who follow after us have a path to follow.  That as fathers and husbands we have wives and children that are going to follow after us.  So what type of path are you following and what are you leaving for your kids to follow?  Because as we live our lives we need to see that we are leading the hard way for our families. I know that over the last couple of months I have been able to hear stories of sons that are choosing not follow their fathers paths because of the damage that has been done to them.  I have heard from wives that have been damaged by their husbands and these women have had to make life altering choices to get off the path that they were on.
Praise God we have a coach that had lead the way and left us a path to follow through Jesus Christ.  I pray that this week you are able to grab with hands that have been strengthened and legs that have been restored in the strength that only comes from being with the ultimate coach Jesus.

Creative Video Fun!

So this last week my son and daughter decided to make a funny video.  I love being a dad and seeing my kids do some fun and creative things.  You would have never thought that with a camera, a teddy bear, and two kids that you would get something like this.  Check out the “Valentines Day Horror” starring Tyler and Morgan Bloyer.

Fast and Food

Last week I felt God asking me to take a step and try something that I had not done before.  I felt the need to fast for the whole week from Monday through Friday.  I felt that this was an opportunity to really rely on Him as well as to see what it is like to live like most of the world that we inhabit.

Monday was no problem I thought to myself this is not gong to be that bad at all.  By Tuesday afternoon I had such a raging headache that I thought that I was going to need to get rid of something, like my head.  I have to be honest that Jesus and I were then beginning to have some serious conversations.  I had now not had any food or coffee in at least 48 hours, I realized that I had much more of an addiction to coffee then I thought.  Wednesday the headache went away but I could feel that I was beginning to get a cold.  That was not what I was planning on.  Thursday was even more fun I had the opportunity to go down to the 16th street mall and meet with someone at the Cheesecake Factory.  THE CHEESE CAKE FACTORY! With all honesty it was not as hard as I thought not to eat that afternoon.  It was that night while watching “Survivor” with my family that I proceeded to count eleven commercials that focused either on restaurants or food.  Friday I was blessed to be able to spend some great time in extended prayer and I found myself focused on really being able to see some amazing things through the bible that applied to my life. Friday afternoon we went to the movie theater and we saw a movie, the popcorn smelled well let’s just say that it caused some stress.  So late Friday night my wonderful wife made me some scrambled eggs and I eased my way into eating food again.

It was a great experience and it is one that I pray I will continue and even extend in the near future.  It was an opportunity to seek Jesus in an amazing way and gave me some clarity like I had never had before.  Let me ask you “What are you willing to give up to grow closer to Jesus?”  “What are you willing to sacrifice?”  Because He sacrificed a lot to get closer to us.

Going beyond Babyness

Did you ever have that moment in your life where someone told you that you were acting so grown up?  It sometimes happened when you did a chore that your mom had wanted you to do for a long time.  She sees you do it and she says “Wow that is so grown up for you.”  I always remember my grandmother saying “Scott you are being such a grown up.”  That comment was usually right after I had done something that showed some concern for someone other then myself.  I heard a pastor this summer share that one of the major problems with the churches today is that they are full of spiritual BRATS.  That to many of the so-called spiritual leaders of the church body are still just infants.
Hebrews 5:12-13 (NLT) You have been Christians a long time now, and you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things a beginner must learn about the Scriptures. You are like babies who drink only milk and cannot eat solid food. [13] And a person who is living on milk isn’t very far along in the Christian life and doesn’t know much about doing what is right.
Yes we are to start out like a baby but we are not to stay there in spiritual growth.  We need to keep the awe and wonderment of a child, but we are to develop our attitudes about knowledge about Jesus to see more then ourselves.  As we continue to gather biblical knowledge it does not on itself lead to spiritual growth.  It is when we use that knowledge in our lives especially when it comes to our relationships.  Notice it finishes the verses up by saying “Doing what is right.”  As I read more and more of how Jesus developed His disciples it was by through giving them knowledge but then enabling them to experience it through life.
Are you a spiritual brat?  Are you a person that has a lot of knowledge but never lives it out?  Maybe what you need to do is get involved with others and start actually applying what is in your head and hopefully your heart.  We will take a look at that even more tomorrow.

Grow up and act like a KID!

Ever been told that you are being childish?  Or that you are acting like a child?  The question that I have to ask is that really a bad thing?  I truly believe that our homes, our churches, and our businesses would be in a lot better place if we were a little more childish.  That we should look at Jesus with the wonderment of a child on Christmas morning.  That we should have fun with the simpler things like the little one that enjoys the box more then the actual toy.  That maybe if we should fight like little kids, that cry for a few minutes but then are right back in the sandbox playing after the tears are wiped away.
Matthew 18:2-5 (NLT) Jesus called a small child over to him and put the child among them. [3] Then he said, “I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. [4] Therefore, anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. [5] And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.
Jesus encourages us to remember what it is like to be a child, the problem with some people is that they have chosen to stay there.  We will look at this some more tomorrow.

A Church for Fighters

It is my prayer that we as church team is the place where people feel like that they have a fighting chance in life.  That they are able to know that they have the best corner man there is in Jesus and that they have the best team of people around them.  That when they wake up every morning they know that they are able to fight every morning.  Now I know there is going to be someone that says are we really to be followers of Jesus and think of life with the picture of fighting.  If you ask that question then I want you to realize that you need to read the bible:

1 Tim. 6:12 (NLT) Fight the good fight for what we believe. Hold tightly to the eternal life that God has given you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.
We are not to sit back and let this life, beat the LIFE out of us. We must have an active faith.

Collision of Faith

I have been really walking through the book of Acts and there is one story that time and time again just rocks my world.  It is in Acts 10 that there is a Collision of Faith for two men.  Each man in the story is challenged in area of faith.  Cornelius is a man that is meeting a savior and Peter is a man that is being challenged about his traditional faith.

Acts 10:15 (NLT)  The voice spoke again, “If God says something is acceptable, don’t say it isn’t.”
Peter is confronted with a God about his traditions so that he would be able to be used to reach Cornelius.  I often wonder what it was like for Peter to take that initial step into the house of Cornelius.  What were the fears that he imagined would happen or did he even fear? All I know is this Peter had to make a decision to step out of his traditional box to be used by God. Peter chose to take the road less traveled and meet the needs of a person far from Jesus.
What is an area of your life that is holding you back from reaching others? What is God telling you that He says is acceptable?

Music Monday

Had the awesome opportunity to see the guys a couple of times.  Great guys and I love the message of this song.  May we all live a life of “I will GO!”

Building Friendships Divinitymma

Some of the guys that are wearing Divinity MMA

Today I get to share with you an amazing guy and an amazing opportunity.  First I want to let you know about Carrington Fisk and his t-shirts at they are incredible.  The companies motto is “Every day is a Fight”.  I believe that this is a true statement especially for the men of our day, when it comes to porn, alcohol, drugs, sex, and being a follower of Jesus.  There is an enemy and everyday he is going after the men and women of this world.  I am so glad that we are going to be partnering with Carrington and Divinitymma to make shirts for Elevation.  I think that there are great shirts that anyone would want to wear.

So here is the amazing opportunity.  If you go and purchase any shirts or fight gear from Divinitymma and in the coupon code put the word elevation then you will receive 10% off your purchase and a percentage of that will go to Elevation Christian Church.  What a great way to help support the church and get some kick butt t-shirts.  I also would encourage you to send Carrington an encouraging word or two as he looks to reach the men and women that are in MMA with the gospel.

Emotions of an Empty House

Our house in California after we moved out.

Have you ever noticed the feeling you get while you are in an empty house?  Whether the house has just been moved out of or even if no one has ever moved in.  That there is just a different feeling that comes with an empty.

The question is what kind of emotion do you get about being in the empty house? Maybe you are the person that has emotions of anticipation.  Some people see an empty house and can envision the future parties that will happen there, they can see the family memories that will be created between Father and son or Mother and daughter.  They can even see the life change that comes with being in that house.

Maybe you are the person that has emotions of devastation.  That this house is a place that is void of life, that for some reason or another the family that once was there is now gone and never coming back.  Maybe that the house is empty because of the lose of someone’s life.

Which person are you?  Are you the person of anticipation of the person of devastation?  I think that we bring these same emotions with us to the places that we call church.  Now I want to be clear I use the church right now to refer to the building where many church bodies meet.  But at no time do I want people to think that I see the building as the church, the church is the people that make up that place.  But don’t you think people bring those emotions with them to church.  That either they are involved in a service in the anticipation of God showing up and doing something amazing.  OR  They come with the emotion that God is there laying and waiting to just devastate them.  Heard this statement; “If I were to show up at church God would strike me dead.” or “The building would probably cave in if I came to church.”

It is my prayer that we don’t see the devastation but the anticipation when it comes to the gathering of those that we call Elevation Christian Church their home.  And what I want people to know whether the house is full or whether the house is empty God is always there and able to show up and do what He wants, that we will not rate the ability of God by the availability of people’s butts in seats.  That we will always see that our time together will be held together with the emotion of ANTICIPATION.

Raising arms in Victory!

Have you ever felt that you just couldn’t go on?  Have you ever just thought it would be just easier to quit?  Maybe that is what you feel like right now.  I think that everyone of us has felt this way at one time or another.  But there are some people around us that just seem to be able to fight through the battles with a little more strength then we do, why is that?

These people have found the people in their lives that are willing to lift their hands up in victory.  No I am not talking about like after a fighter wins in the cage or if a wrestler wins a match.  But people that are willing to support them as they walk through life, these are accountability partners, best friends, bible study leaders.  These are the people that you can go to when life is getting to you.  These are the people that you can tell your struggles too.  These are the guys that will hold up your arms.  Check this out:

Exodus 17:12 (NLT) Moses’ arms finally became too tired to hold up the staff any longer. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side, holding up his hands until sunset.
You see Moses needed these guys to hold up his arms so that the battle that was being fought in front of him could be won.  What we need is the same thing, we need men in our life that are willing to lift us up and encourage us while we are fighting the battles of life.  We need men in our life to be able to support us along the way.  Take the time this week to find some men that would be willing to lift your arms up while you are in the middle of a battle.  Then talk to them and let them know that you would be willing to do the same for them.  Then find a time where you and your team can get together to talk about the battle and how you can support each other.  We need to have these kind of men and women in our lives.

Band of Brothers

My most favorite movie series is called “Band of Brothers: The men of Easy Company”.  In this series of movies your truly get to experience what it was like for a group of young men that go from training to be soldiers to becoming battle hard veterans and heros to their country.  I encourage you to take the next few moments to just share in the words that they share about their battles and their lives.

It is the statement that Dick Winters makes at the end of this clip that gets to me the most.  “I served in a company of heros!”  Won’t it be great at the end of your life to be able to say that you served or you did life together in the company of men that you can call heros.  Heros to their wives, heros to their children, and heros in their faith.  I pray that you are able to find that “Band of Brothers” that you may walk through life’s battles together.


2 Chron. 18:3 (NLT)
“Will you join me in fighting against Ramoth-gilead?” Ahab asked.
And Jehoshaphat replied, “Why, of course! You and I are brothers, and my troops are yours to command. We will certainly join you in battle.”

Who can you go to when the battle is on?


Who is Fighting with you?

It amazes all the time to hear from so many men that they are not doing life with other guys that can speak into their lives.  That men today feel that they are tough enough to be able to handle life on their own.  One of the things that I have learned over the years is that I need to surround myself with men that are willing to fight.  I need to surround myself with men that see that this life lived in a relationship with Christ needs the support of others that are see the need for a battle ready group.  Here is a picture for us to look at when it comes to what kind of guys we need in our battle ready group:


1 Chron. 12:8 (NIV)
Some Gadites defected to David at his stronghold in the desert. They were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift as gazelles in the mountains.
David was in the midst of a battle. Saul was hot on his trail and he need to surround himself with men that were battle ready.  Well we need the same thing because whether you want to believe it or not there is an enemy and he is seeking to destroy you.  So what made the men that are fighting with David so special?  Well, just look at how they are described.  Read the above verses again.  These men are prepared for the fight that means that they have experience (older), these men carry the right weapons for battle (believers in Christ), these men with their faces alone show that they are not afraid of the battle (honorable warriors).  The question that I have for you, “Do you have these type of men around you?”  If you don’t then you need to find them because with out them you may just not be able to survive the battle.  Go today and find the men that will fight with you the battle of life.