Living the crazy life that God has given me!

Posts tagged “Coach

Feed The Leader

I know that in many places that leadership and leadership development can be an area of conflict. I know that especially when it comes to the church people can really get touchy about it. But over the last 4 years as we have been starting a church I have learned that if you don’t feed the leader then things go bad quickly. Especially when you are the one that everyone expects to be the leader. So I am really challenging myself to be a leader that is focused on feeding myself when it comes to becoming a better leader.

“Everyone wins when a leader gets better.” Bill Hybels

 I want to be a leader that is getting better so that people around me are getting better. So there are some things that I am doing intentionally to get better:

  • Reading the Bible from the perspective of how will this make me better as a husband, father, and leader.
  • Listening to leaders from different areas of leadership. Business, art, marketing so that I can start to think as a leader differently.
  • Reading books that influence my ability to grow others around me. I recently read the book “Protégé” by Steve Saccone and it rocked my world.
  • Meeting with leaders that are better than me and that are steps ahead of me when it comes to being a better husband, father, and church leader.

What I want to remind you is that “Everyone is a leader somewhere”. So what are you doing to feed yourself to be a better leader? Because everyone wins when a leader gets better!

The book about developing leaders around you.

The book about developing leaders around you.

Walking through the Aurora Theater Weekend

Where the Aurora Theater shootings occured

As this last weekend has been a blur of action and emotion for the city of Aurora.  I am taking the next couple of days to get my thoughts together. It is my hope for the next couple of weeks to share what I have experienced and seen.  It is an opportunity to share from the perspective of a father, community member, and as a pastor.  I pray that over the next couple of weeks we will walk together and experience this tragedy in a way that helps us learn in many different ways.  Keep praying for the community and the families that have been hit so hard through loss and injury.

What were you doing when you heard about the Aurora Theater shootings?

Sandusky, Sullivan, and Scott

It has been one of those seasons in life where more and more that we are reading or hearing about another individual that has fallen in a position of leadership.  In some cases they are things that just down right tick you off or shock you. Whether it is Sandusky and his abuse of his position that lead to the abuse of young boys, Sullivan being a sheriff and a person that is to protect and serve, not enslave through addiction and abuse.  The thing that amazes me is that each of these men were at the top of their game, they were seen as men that were top notch in their area of leadership.  So it really challenges me to say, “What about me?”  What if my life, my career, my family, were all to become majorly successful?  How would I handle it?

As I was reading through, “The Five Levels of Leadership” by John Maxwell a quote by Henry Ford really made think.

“More men are failures on account of success than on account of failures.  They beat their way over a dozen obstacles; overcome a host of difficulties, sacrifice and sweat.  They make the impossible the possible; then along comes a little success, and it tumbles them from their perch. They let up. They slip and over they go. Nobody can count the number of people who have been halted and beaten by recognition and reward!”

So many times we have seen great men and women take a tumble; why is that?  Unfortunately, I believe it is because they start believing it is all about them. They believe because of their accomplishments they can begin to relax in the areas of importance when it comes to character and discipline. A couple of verses in the bible that I cling to daily is this;

 Proverbs 30: 8&9, “First, help me never to lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs.  For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” And if I am poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name.”

The more and I lead and watch other leaders around me I always come back to remember that “God is God and I am not him”.  I always want to be a person that is satisfied with who I am in Jesus Christ. Because let’s be honest each one of us could very easily be the next person that tumbles and falls.  May we each take the time every day to pray Proverbs 30:8&9 over our lives.

Leading The Hard Way

Morgan running up to me after finishing the race.

One of the things that I have always had to work at overcoming is that “I can’t finish”.  I don’t know about you but there are those certain places in my life that have challenged me to the point where I just feel weak and beat up.  I have had the privilege in my life to be involved in sports since I was six years old and I have experienced many times where I just wanted to quit.  It was almost four years ago that I was able to run in the PF Chang’s Half Marathon.  During that race at about mile eleven I just did not want to go on, my legs hurt, my chest hurt, my feet hurt, and all I wanted to do was stop.  But I knew that at the finish line was my family and friends, I knew that at the end of the line I was going to be able to rest.

Hebrews 12:12-13 (NLT) So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. [13] Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong.

God our Father is not only one that disciplines but He also is a coach that pushes us to our limits.  Notice how we are to take a new grip with our tired hands and to stand firm on our shaky legs.  We are going to be in places in our life where we are going to just feel like we can’t go on and that we are just to tired to make it.  But God is telling us that we are not going to accomplish this life on our our strength in fact it says that in our weakness that HE is strong.  The only way that we are going to make it is to rely on the coach to enable to follow the right path.  The other side of this is that those who follow after us have a path to follow.  That as fathers and husbands we have wives and children that are going to follow after us.  So what type of path are you following and what are you leaving for your kids to follow?  Because as we live our lives we need to see that we are leading the hard way for our families. I know that over the last couple of months I have been able to hear stories of sons that are choosing not follow their fathers paths because of the damage that has been done to them.  I have heard from wives that have been damaged by their husbands and these women have had to make life altering choices to get off the path that they were on.
Praise God we have a coach that had lead the way and left us a path to follow through Jesus Christ.  I pray that this week you are able to grab with hands that have been strengthened and legs that have been restored in the strength that only comes from being with the ultimate coach Jesus.

Building the Lead Team

“The secret is to work less as individuals and more as a team. As a coach, I play not my eleven best, but my best eleven.” by Knute Rockne

This is a quote that I have had on my desk top for the last couple of weeks.  I believe that this is a quote that I think that many church leaders really need to chew on for awhile.  Unfortunately I believe that many people see the pastor of the church as the paid player in the game and that he is the one to get everything done.  This is why I believe that so many churches are struggling to reach the people that are already attending their churches.  So I think that we need to get back to some basics, we need to work together as a team we need to delegate off to capable leaders to work together so that people would be able to feel loved and cared for in the body of Christ, the church.  We need to play the best players that God has provided to us as the church team.

Why do I say this?  I say this because Moses experienced the same thing and was given some amazing advice from his father in-law.

Exodus 18:19-21 (NLT) Now let me give you a word of advice, and may God be with you. You should continue to be the people’s representative before God, bringing him their questions to be decided. [20] You should tell them God’s decisions, teach them God’s laws and instructions, and show them how to conduct their lives. [21] But find some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as judges over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten.

The question that I have for you as a leader is: “What are you doing to prepare the men around you to shoulder the load for taking care of Gods people?”  We need to be able to identify the leaders that we have and get them into the game to get them into the place where they can lead more people in a growing relationship with Jesus.  How are you building the team?