Living the crazy life that God has given me!

Posts tagged “John Maxwell

Sandusky, Sullivan, and Scott

It has been one of those seasons in life where more and more that we are reading or hearing about another individual that has fallen in a position of leadership.  In some cases they are things that just down right tick you off or shock you. Whether it is Sandusky and his abuse of his position that lead to the abuse of young boys, Sullivan being a sheriff and a person that is to protect and serve, not enslave through addiction and abuse.  The thing that amazes me is that each of these men were at the top of their game, they were seen as men that were top notch in their area of leadership.  So it really challenges me to say, “What about me?”  What if my life, my career, my family, were all to become majorly successful?  How would I handle it?

As I was reading through, “The Five Levels of Leadership” by John Maxwell a quote by Henry Ford really made think.

“More men are failures on account of success than on account of failures.  They beat their way over a dozen obstacles; overcome a host of difficulties, sacrifice and sweat.  They make the impossible the possible; then along comes a little success, and it tumbles them from their perch. They let up. They slip and over they go. Nobody can count the number of people who have been halted and beaten by recognition and reward!”

So many times we have seen great men and women take a tumble; why is that?  Unfortunately, I believe it is because they start believing it is all about them. They believe because of their accomplishments they can begin to relax in the areas of importance when it comes to character and discipline. A couple of verses in the bible that I cling to daily is this;

 Proverbs 30: 8&9, “First, help me never to lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs.  For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” And if I am poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name.”

The more and I lead and watch other leaders around me I always come back to remember that “God is God and I am not him”.  I always want to be a person that is satisfied with who I am in Jesus Christ. Because let’s be honest each one of us could very easily be the next person that tumbles and falls.  May we each take the time every day to pray Proverbs 30:8&9 over our lives.