Living the crazy life that God has given me!

Posts tagged “moms

Feed The Leader

I know that in many places that leadership and leadership development can be an area of conflict. I know that especially when it comes to the church people can really get touchy about it. But over the last 4 years as we have been starting a church I have learned that if you don’t feed the leader then things go bad quickly. Especially when you are the one that everyone expects to be the leader. So I am really challenging myself to be a leader that is focused on feeding myself when it comes to becoming a better leader.

“Everyone wins when a leader gets better.” Bill Hybels

 I want to be a leader that is getting better so that people around me are getting better. So there are some things that I am doing intentionally to get better:

  • Reading the Bible from the perspective of how will this make me better as a husband, father, and leader.
  • Listening to leaders from different areas of leadership. Business, art, marketing so that I can start to think as a leader differently.
  • Reading books that influence my ability to grow others around me. I recently read the book “Protégé” by Steve Saccone and it rocked my world.
  • Meeting with leaders that are better than me and that are steps ahead of me when it comes to being a better husband, father, and church leader.

What I want to remind you is that “Everyone is a leader somewhere”. So what are you doing to feed yourself to be a better leader? Because everyone wins when a leader gets better!

The book about developing leaders around you.

The book about developing leaders around you.

Baptism Celebration

Baptism is a celebration and it is amazing.

Baptism is a celebration and it is amazing.

So yesterday at Elevation we had a baptism celebration at Elevation.  It is one of the things that we do that amazes me that I get to be a part of.  As a church family and team over the last four and a half years we have celebrated 194 people getting baptized.  The baptisms are amazing as we see husbands, wives, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and friends baptize the people that they know have taken the step of saying yes to a relationship with Jesus.  There is nothing more amazing then watching a little boys face as he looks up at his dad after he comes out of the water.  I get emotional when I see a spouse that is getting the chance to baptize the person that they are staying with for the rest of their life and eternity.

But then you get to hear the stories of how and why they said yes to a relationship with Jesus. You get to hear about the struggle, the mess, and many times the hurt that lead them to realize their need for Jesus.  But then you also get to hear the stories of how families lead in the area of faith, about how students knew that it was what the knew they needed to do, and amazing stories of a life of faith and growth.  No story is ever the same and no baptism is every the same because of what is happening in that persons life.

What I am excited to think about though is the stories that I have yet to hear.  I am excited about the faces, the families, and the friends that we get to take pictures of baptizing those that are making their life with Jesus public. Who knows maybe you are one of the stories that we are going to get to share.