Living the crazy life that God has given me!

It’s more than the Goal it’s Motivation!  

As I begin a new year one of the things that I always strive to do is set some personal goals for what I hope to accomplish.  Notice I said hope to accomplish the goals are not always reached and the goals oftentimes will change in some form or fashion.  But the truth is I don’t set the goal for the goal, I set the goal for a motivation to be able to accomplish something. I set the goal for something to strive for in my year.  It’s not necessarily about the goal but about the motivation to achieve something better for myself and the people around me.

Here are a couple of examples of what I mean:

Physical Goals –    Continue to work out 4 – 5 days a week. (Lift, Ride, Run)

                               Find two new guys to add workouts within the Iron Garage.

Relational Goals – Weekly connect with the three young men in my life.

                               Go on a date once a week with Michelle. (wife)

Intellectual Goals – Meet with three leaders who think differently than I do.

                               Read more than 20 books in the year.

I also set goals for Leadership, Spiritual, and Writing, as well as ONE WORD that I will filter every one of these goals through.  For me the ONE WORD this year is COORDINATE. 

But I don’t just set these goals from inside a bubble.  I also ask people that I have a strong relationship with to speak to my goals.  Like I ask my wife, “What are some ways that I can be a better husband in the next year?” I also have to say you don’t have to ask the same question. (This is inevitably what she is going to be thinking.) I also will make sure that there are always relationships that are tied to one of the goals in each section.  It again is not about the goal but the motivation to achieve something better and better means that there is always a relationship involved.  Getting better is not something that is always about me but about the people with me.

Here is what I know to be true we have a lot of MEN today who are not willing or even able to set goals for themselves in the coming year simply because of FEAR.  Fear of not getting to the goal. Again, it’s not always about the goal but about the motivation to accomplish something.  MEN today are not willing or even able to set a goal for themselves in the coming year because of a LACK OF UNDERSTANDING.  No one has told them why they should set GOALS; no one has encouraged them to set a goal other than the person trying to get their money online.  Here if you are reading this, I hope we are considered a friend. SET A GOAL! Do something to motivate yourself for the next year.  MEN today are not willing to or even able to set a goal for themselves in the coming year because of GENERALIZATIONS.  Here is what I mean, “This year I am setting the goal to get healthy.” Great but what does that mean? Less doughnuts, while sitting on the couch watching football, yelling at them to run faster. How about I am going to lose 20 lbs.  I am going to run a 5k. I am going to bench press 225 lbs. at least 5 – 8 times at once. Make it specific, make it attainable, and make it trackable. 

So with that in mind what are some GOALS that you are going to set for yourself in the coming year? What is the ONE WORD that you are going to use to filter some of these goals through? And who are you going to include in the goals that you are going to be setting? Because remember it’s not just about the goal but about the motivation to accomplish something better for you and the people around you.

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