Living the crazy life that God has given me!

Creative Crisis

Over the last couple of months I had really had trouble being creative.  I was spending more and more time going what am I going to do?  How am I going to present this? What is something that will enable people to have fun and get caught? I was even just trying to make sure that I was just getting the simple things done.  I was in a bad state when it came to being able to think or act creative. But then I was given some great help from the people who work alongside me at Elevation.

It started with finding out all of the things that I was doing on a regular basis. Then it was seeing the things that I needed to be able to hand off to other people.  Then the process began where things were being taken off my plate.  This is what I specifically heard about my life, “A Creative Crisis comes from a claustrophobic condition.” I had allowed my laugh to become so claustrophobic with the things in my life that I was then in a creative crisis.  No what happens in this crisis?  I had so much noise going on that I was unable to hear what God was teaching me and telling me.  Maybe you are in the same place.  Maybe you are having a creative crisis in your marriage, maybe it is a creative crisis in your school work, your job, your time.  It is because maybe you are doing so much that you are unable to get creative.  So I encourage you to build more margin in your life.  I encourage you to realize that there are things in your life that you can either stop doing or enable others to do with you or EVEN for you.

What is causing the “claustrophobic condition” in your life?  I ask you to pray and ask someone who you trust, a lifting partner on what you need to change.  I also know that there are some of you going I don’t need to do this, well then ask your wife, your husband, how about your kids.  I know that they will tell you.

2 responses

  1. Mike

    The crisis I had, came down to this. Whats important? Why am I not thankful for the things Christ has done for me? It has taken time to figure these out, but through Church ( I am the Church) I was able to tweak and confide. Community groups are the bomb, It has taken me places I haven’t been before.

    February 28, 2011 at 8:35 AM

  2. Scott,
    On my blog about a half hour ago I reposted a beautiful poem credited by the Jewish faith to have come from the (human part of the) designer of the Tabernacle. You might like it. I am going to make some kind of poster of it for my studio.

    Good post! 🙂

    February 28, 2011 at 9:45 AM

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